door in the open

1 Nov 2016

Here is a cli tool I made that I use every day: stl. When I switch my working mode on or off, I tell stl so. And then I can ask stl how long have I worked. Nothing fancy but quite useful if you do not have a fixed working timetable.

6 Nov 2015
Range Tree

OK, so you have a bunch of markers on your map, let us say one for each human language on the planet. Now you choose a random point, let us say 42 N 42 E, and you want to know which language markers fall within a certain radius. What is a beautiful way to achieve this?

This is a follow-up on Searching for Words. The cute BK tree algorithm from the last post was not to live in isolation from the rest of the internet world. It was destined to be but a module of a bigger django machine powering a nice well-intentioned website.

Long hours ago, it turned out that I needed a very simple search. Very simple indeed, for the tokens to be searched are words from a list. The first thing that comes to mind is to do a simple database lookup; and if you have been tempted to try that you know that it does not feel right, mostly due to lack of both suggestions and relevant ordering of results.

before blog
Code is Poetry

An attempt into music and poetry. Artist: code is poetry, a.k.a. Hristo and I. Name of the piece: my good moments with s.